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Saturday, September 20, 2003

The BBC and Andrew Gilligan story took an interesting path this week when it was learned that Gilligan's PDA contained two sets of documents regarding the WMD "sexed up" dossier probe - one referencing Alastair Campbell (the government official accused of "sexing up" the dossier on Iraq) and one missing the reference.

Submits the Register:

As regards yesterday's controversy, it's impossible to come to any conclusion from the single document published so far. It includes the word "campbell" on its own in a line, prior to the following:

"real info but unr, incl agaisnt ur wishes
not in orig draft - dull, he asked ifanything else cd go in"

These two lines are perfectly plausible as a PDA interview transcript, and although they wouldn't be impossible to falsify, it would take some care - more care, we'd submit, than exhibited by somebody who can't precisely remember how the word Campbell got into one document when it wasn't in the other. We'd read it as "real information but unreliable, included against [our?] wishes, not in original draft - [which was viewed as] dull, he asked if anything else could go in."

Unless you dispute these lines as well, then you inescapably find yourself asking who "he" is. If Dr Kelly said 'he', but neither said nor meant Campbell, who did he mean?

Hmmm. Who did he mean? And who would falsify PDA notes, if anyone? I keep meticulous notes on my PDA from work, personal activities, etc, and I know I would never have the time, nor the opportunity to falsify notes. It will be interesting to see if, and how, forensic analysis of Mr. Gilligan's PDA notekeeping will affect his credibility in the BBC case.


.: posted by Dave 7:59 PM

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