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Saturday, September 13, 2003

Clarett apologists:

I heard this afternoon a commentator on ABC making his case for Maurice Clarett:

"If we were under the microscope this kid is under at the age of 19, we would make some mistakes, too. I would like to see Clarett come back to Ohio State."

I don't think anyone is denying that Clarett deserves some consideration, but he also should pay the price for those mistakes. This is a fundamental that we sometimes miss in society, especially where "heroes" like athletes and actors are concerned.

If young kids are prone to making such mistakes, they should also be held accountable. Removing accountability only breeds more irresponsible behavior. Just look at the behavior of children who lack discipline.

In the larger scheme of things, Clarett would do himself a service if he accepted his punishment, and moved on. If that punishment is determined to be a severence of ties with Ohio State, so be it.


.: posted by Dave 1:54 PM

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