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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

First, we had the real, yet highly exaggerated and misapplied condition known as ADHD. Now, the same thing is happening with autism. Just because a child is late in speaking does not make the autistic. And now, the so-called professionals responsible for making such diagnoses have devised an "autism spectrum" to allow them to avoid responsibility when the child is found to, in fact, be normal. The claim of "well, Billy was within the spectrum of being autistic, but he turned out not to be" will be soon heard as a way of saying "oops". Autism is a real condition. It would be foolish to think otherwise. But the overstatement of these conditions is becoming far too common. Why? I think Thomas Sowell says it best:

Time and again over the past decade, parents have told me that they have been urged to allow their late-talking children to be labeled "autistic" so that they would be eligible to get government money that can be used for speech therapy or whatever else the child might need.

Against that background, consider the widely publicized statistics showing an unbelievable rate of increase in autism in recent years. Is this a real change in the same thing or a redefinition of words? Worse yet, is this the corrupting effect of government money intended for children who are genuinely autistic?

So, since it is in the professional community's best interest to encourage such diagnoses, we see a surge in them. As a taxpayer tired of funding such nonsense, this is an outrage. If my child were genuinely autistic, this would be even more outrageous. Hopefully, this trend will stop once enough parents of misdiagnosed children begin to expose those who are purveying such nonsense.


.: posted by Dave 9:15 AM

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