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Saturday, September 20, 2003

Four California gubernatorial candidates threatened to boycott the upcoming debate. Why? Because they say that the format is too scripted. Apparently, Schwarzenegger agreed to participate only if the questions were submitted prior to the debate. Critics want a more spontaneous format.

Personally, I agree with the other candidates on this one. I think Arnold's camp fears the personal attacks that surfaced in the weeks leading up to now. However, it could be that his staff wants to shield him from answering any substantive questions, too. If the voters are going to recall Davis, they deserve to have their questions answered. For one, I am sure they want to know specifics about the Governator's plans for balancing the state budget. So far, no plan has been forthcoming. If Schwarzenegger wants to maintain credibility, he will scrap this scripted question routine, and come up with some real answers to real problems.


.: posted by Dave 7:33 PM

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