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Thursday, September 25, 2003

If Only Others Would Follow Suit:

Alabama, as was highly publicized, rejected categorically a proposal to raise their income tax rates. In response, the legislature has (gasp) cut spending. For a government to take the drastic measure of (gasp) downsizing is unprecedented. Among the cuts are (gasp) government jobs and (gasp) incarceration of non-violent inmates. Demagogues in Alabama are decrying the cuts, warning residents that (gasp) health care, (gasp) education, and (gasp) police patrols will suffer next.

All gasping aside, if you can't afford it, you can't buy it. American families have to live by this mantra daily (unless you are among those who either steal, or use credit to live above your means). It's about time government did, too.

And one more thing. I wish government bureaucrats would quit trying to scare citizens, just because they cannot spend within their means. It's nauseating, not to mention disingenuous.


.: posted by Dave 7:03 PM

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