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Friday, September 12, 2003

Internet licensing? If this ever gets out of the discussion phase, I will blow a gasket. Why the hell should the government decide to license everything we do? Driving and guns are examples of activities that, when performed poorly, can affect the public health and well-being. But, internet use?

The AP asks: "So why not institute mandatory education before people can go online?" I'll tell you why. Not only is it not necessary, but it only fosters the idea of the government serving as a nanny-state for us all. If you're worried about viruses, and worms, patch your operating system. It's not hard. Really, it's not. Porn sites? Block them, or just don't click unknown links. Spam a problem? Leave unread mail on the server, delete it daily, and, use an anonymous email address to sign up for mailing lists, and for registrations (a la the New York Times).

Common sense is what it takes to surf the Internet. What is a horrible idea is leaving it up to the government to police it for us.


.: posted by Dave 11:40 AM

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