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Monday, September 15, 2003

Last night, the Mrs. and I watched something on 60 Minutes called "Change of Heart", which documented organ transplants in prison, funded by the taxpayers. Needless to say, I was infuriated.

The taxpayer who struggles with a faulty organ, and pays health insurance must wait in queue for a transplant. In prison, however, the rules apparently change. They even reported on death row inmates possibly getting transplants. Can someone explain the rationale there?

The question was asked "Where do we draw the line? If felons are told 'No transplants', do minor offenders get the same treatment?"

The answer: YES

A contributing, law-abiding citizen of this country should, like it or not, receive preference over a non-contributing, law-breaking citizen. This is not prejudice, or callous in nature. This is common sense.

I would find it hard to believe if anyone other than inmates disagreed with me on this one.


.: posted by Dave 5:52 PM

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