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Monday, September 15, 2003

Leftists are too nice for talk radio. So they say. The prevailing opinion is that right wing radio succeeds because it is vitriolic, and venomous.

Has anyone forgotten about just how venomous the left really is? Just listen to Paul Begala any day on CNN's Crossfire. What about the nonsense railed against Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and, more recently, Miguel Estrada? Or, how about Goldwater and the "daisy" ad? Less significant, but more prevalent, have been the constant bantering about the alleged "stupidity" of George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan years before.

So, who's bashing whom here? Who's angry and spewing forth hatred? I don't recall anyone calling Bill Clinton a "Nazi". I hear that about Dubya at least monthly. You doubt the left's ability to incite? Go listen to Cynthia McKinney a few minutes.

The reason the left is unsuccessful in spoken media is that they largely use emotion as opposed to reason. Logic is cast aside. Thought is no match for feeling in the left wing world. Talk radio mandates that the host have something to say, and evidence to reinforce it. The left in print can succeed because refutation is not demanded. Anyone (much like I am now) can take a position and rest on their laurels. It takes well reasoned arguments to defend oneself, without the emotional tirades.

If the left can come up with a slew of hosts that can accomplish this, I would be very happy to congratulate them on harnessing the power of spoken thought via the airwaves. If history is any indication, left wing radio has very little chance of success.


.: posted by Dave 6:25 PM

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