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Thursday, September 25, 2003

The Nanny-State:

Just another reason why I refuse to send my kids to a government school:

The state of Arkansas is tackling the rising problem of childhood obesity by testing all 447,000 of its schoolchildren.

Obesity is, indeed, a problem. I will not disagree. However, to rely on someone ELSE to diagnose and remedy your child's problem is wrongheaded. Are we going to be expected to cede yet another act of responsibility to government? I don't want money in the education budget wasted by 1) diagnosing overweight kids as being overweight, and 2) asking the government school to scold parents for raising their kids in an environment conducive to being overweight.

My wife elucidates further on this issue. She asks me, "What are these schools feeding the kids? I'll bet there are plenty of Cokes, and Twinkies in the vending machines. Where is the school's responsibility in helping these kids become fat?" I would have to concur.

If you want a healthy kid, give them healthy meals, and encourage them to exercise. Don't rely on the government to intervene. And make sure your kids' school isn't adding fuel to the fire by serving them crap for lunch. Better yet, send them a custom-made lunch. Better still, don't send them to the public school at all... but, I digress.


.: posted by Dave 6:47 PM

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