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Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Our Litigious Society:

In 1999, 27 year old Melissa Gosule, had a car breakdown near Cape Cod. She called AAA, who dispatches a tow truck driver, who cannot tow her back to her home 60 miles away until later that evening. Subsequently, Gosule accepted a ride from a stranger (whose cellphone she used to call her parents earlier that evening), and that same stranger murdered her. With whom does the culpability lie in this scenario? Gosule's parents say the AAA, and the tow truck driver.

While I feel terrible for the Gosule family, I cannot imagine how they can possibly blame the AAA, when it was Gosule's choice to ride with the stranger, and it was the stranger who murdered the young lady, not AAA, or the tow truck driver.

Somewhere, we, as a society, have confused cause and effect. Common law takes a back seat to "making someone pay for my misery". Somewhere, sometime, soon, it has to stop. This tragedy was one person's fault: the killer. He, and only he, should pay the price.


.: posted by Dave 6:53 PM

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