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Thursday, September 25, 2003

The Rocky Top Brigade's own AlphaPatriot has an interesting post on the flaws of the election systems in the US, and how they could possibly be repaired. Interesting... I would surmise that most voters are ill-prepared to cast an informed vote, much as one poster stated in response to the original post:

There are far too many people casting votes when they have no idea exactly who or what they're actually voting for. They vote for a candidate because their union says that's who they should vote for. Or because they're in an ethnic group and they have the misguided impression that a certain party is looking out for that ethnic group. Or they're in a certain income range, and poor people are supposed to vote for one party while rich people vote for the other. The list goes on and on.

Very true. I watch union members vote ad nauseum for people, and things, about which they have little concept, yet, because the union says to vote for them/it, they do.

I wouldn't go so far as to agree with the poster, who proposes a "civics literacy test" at the polls. While it sounds like a plausible idea on the surface, even the uninformed have a right to vote. Sadly, we see people like Cynthia McKinney, and Pete Stark get elected, and wonder what the %&$# the voters were thinking. Fortunately, we can, and often do (as in the case of Ms. McKinney) rectify the situation. This is the intent of the recall election in California.

Perhaps voter ignorance is more than anything a commentary on all facets of American society, from pandering pols, to news anchors with obvious agendas, to the self-absorbed public. Still, even with its flaws, we have the greatest, freest, and most opportunity-laden society in history.


.: posted by Dave 5:39 PM

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