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Monday, September 15, 2003

Slate's Fred Kaplan rants today about the Bush defense budget, and its exorbitance. Ironically, the Bush defense budget is the only spending proposal to which I have not objected. I will echo the thoughts of many out there who think this president has become entirely too big of a spender. However, defense is not one of those areas of carefree spending, despite Mr. Kaplan's sentiment.

In fact, I could write an equal rant about the margins of Bush's domestic spending and suggest trimming. Gut the Department of Education? In my dreams. Drop farm handouts? Not in this lifetime. Nix the proposal for a prescription scheme mentored by Big Brother himself? Not likely. And don't get me started on the "Homeland" Security department.

The fact is that the government should serve a primary purpose of protecting its people from threats both domestic and foreign. In case you haven't noticed, Bush has been doing this for months now. The same people that whine about not having enough people in Iraq are now whining that we don't need to spend to upgrade and reinforce. That's just bogus. Seriously, I would rather 100% of my taxes go to bolstering the defense infrastructure than anything else. If any area of the budget deserves more, it's this one.


.: posted by Dave 6:03 PM

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