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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

So Wesley Clark has decided to run for president. It's hard to tell if this excites the Democratic pols or not. To me, it's just another dysfunctional talking head entering the fray. He's months behind in fund raising, and he adds nothing to the mox except that he brings military experience to the table. This appears to be the left's attempt to discredit Bush by highlighting Clark's "real life" experience in the military.

What we need from a commander-in-chief is not necessarily expertise on the front, but expertise from a moral and philosophical standpoint. President Bush sees the world for what it is: good and evil. Bush stands up for American ideals, threatens force against those that threaten it, and backs it up when warranted. This is contrary to the Democratic ideal of appeasement and shortsighted diplomacy at all costs. Wesley Clark stands in the second camp. Is that what we want from a commander-in-chief? I think not.


.: posted by Dave 10:47 AM

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