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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Super Bowl Syndrome Starts Sooner than Expected:

A 70-year-old Florida woman hurled a kitchen knife at her husband when he continued to watch football on TV instead of preparing for Hurricane Isabel.

Joan W. Harris faces a felony aggravated-battery charge in connection with the Sunday afternoon incident, the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel reported.

"Apparently, the argument began while the husband was watching football, and the wife was insisting he make hurricane preparations for Hurricane Isabel," said police spokesman Kacey Donnell. "He refused and said that he'd get to it at half-time."

The couple could not be reached for comment.

Sheesh. It's only week two of the football season. Then again, if Tennessee is playing Florida, I'm not leaving the game just to prepare for a stupid hurricane either.


.: posted by Dave 7:10 PM

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