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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

This one comes courtesy of Instapundit. If you still believe the war in Iraq was not justified, read this. Judge Don Walters was, in his words, "vehemently opposed to the war." Judge Walters was part of a DOJ delegation sent to Iraq to evaluate their justice system. What you will read in the hyperlinked piece is his abridged story, one that tells of his radical change in point of view:

Despite my initial opposition to the war, I am now convinced, whether we find any weapons of mass destruction or prove Saddam sheltered and financed terrorists, absolutely, we should have overthrown the Baathists, indeed, we should have done it sooner.

What transpired along Judge Walters' journey should convince you, without reservation, that the United States did the right thing. Judge Walters argues that "we should have done it sooner." I concur.


.: posted by Dave 6:58 PM

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