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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Those crazy vegans:

A vegetarian mother was thrown out of a vegan restaurant in Wales for trying to feed her 11-month-old son chicken baby food, a report said Wednesday.

Sarah Graham, 39, who has been a vegetarian for 20 years, dropped into the Rendezvous restaurant in Aberystwyth with baby Joshua and son Taylor.

She ordered food for herself and Taylor, then asked staff to heat up the jar of Heinz baby food, which contains eight percent chicken.

"That's when they asked us to go. We were treated like criminals just for opening a jar of chicken baby food," Graham told the London Mirror.

Owner Maggie Cotton said: "I was polite to this lady and told her we were offended by her bringing in baby food containing meat. It's a vegetarian restaurant, after all.

"I'm very particular about dairy products being brought in, let alone meat products."

The British Vegetarian Society supports the owner and says she "remained true to her principles."

This is why my relationships with vegan women didn't work out.


.: posted by Dave 7:13 PM

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