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Saturday, September 13, 2003

Tips for parents of overweight kids:

Shouldn't this be common sense? Why are kids more obese these days? You think Xbox, and lack of physical activity might have something to do with that? Maybe that apple or strawberry has been replaced with a Twinkie, or a Ho-Ho? Perhaps water would be good indtead of that sugar-rich beverage called soda?

Come on, parents. Take some initiative. Kids are kids, and they have likes. But they also have NEEDS. They NEED you to make some decisions, and to live by them. Feed them right, and encourage physical activity (hikes, throwing ball, helping Dad build something). Trust me, they'll love you for it.

(Full disclosure: I like sedentary activities. Xbox, video games, watching sports, and reading are some of my preferred ones. The disclosure is to say that you don't have to BAN sedentary things. Just REGULATE them.)


.: posted by Dave 1:55 PM

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