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Monday, September 15, 2003

To hear Israel deny that they have a plan to assassinate PLO leader Yassir Arafat is to be told that the US had no plan to kill Saddam Hussein. Israel FM Silvan Shalom has refuted such claims. No observer of the Middle East could possibly think there have been no contingencies involving an Arafat hit.

However, the bigger question is this: why would it be such a sin for them to have such plans in the first place? Israel has no bans against assassinations, such as hampered U.S. efforts to depose Hussein before the Iraq War. If Arafat is the purveyor of terrorism against the Jewish state he is well known to be, is assassination really such a bad idea for Israel? Everyone, including Secretary of State Colin Powell, seems to think so.

“The Israelis know our position quite well,” Powell told “Fox News Sunday” during a visit to Iraq. “The United States does not support either the elimination of him or the exile of Mr. Arafat.”

Given the U.S.' own policy, this is no surprise. However, what are the options if Arafat continues his present course of appeasement and encouragement of terrorist factions? Can the U.S. then maintain its current position. I'm not sure they can, especially if the money trail continues to deposit itself at Arafat's doorstep. Rest assured, if Arafat was America's nuisance, he would be dead by now, no questions asked.


.: posted by Dave 2:03 PM

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