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Friday, September 12, 2003

Today's Slashdot poll asks "What is the worst abuse of email?" Some people probaby hate the forwarded chain letters (I am among the haters), but the one that gets me going is Reply To All. Argh! We can get 10 megabytes of text on one intra-office memo just because the bozos here want to make sure to "keep everyone in the loop"... even if the loop is not necessary.

Do they think I want to know where they are going for lunch?

Should I care that part number 52L872 was received in Well 13, when I work in the information technology area 3/4 of a mile away, in another business unit?

Do they anticipate that I might want to attend Jim Thomas' retirement party, even though I don't know him from Adam?



.: posted by Dave 12:25 PM

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