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Friday, September 12, 2003

Very sad am I today to hear that both Johnny Cash, and John Ritter passed away.

I can remember as a kid hearing Johnny Cash tunes blaring from my uncle's stereo (almost as often as Johnny Horton). On a summer camp trip once, my friends and I were on a river boat, where Cash came out to the banks from his middle-Tennessee home, simply to wave hello to a bunch of snotty brats. I never forgot that.

Ritter's death was, needless to say, a complete surprise. A young 54, Ritter seemed destined to be known as Jack Tripper all his life, until his reemergence in the series, "8 Simple Rules." Ahhh, how many episodes of "Three's Company" did I watch as a teenager? I didn't much care for Jack, I must admit. Chrissy was much more... er, palatable. Nonetheless, the show was entertaining. Jack was the focal point of the story, by and large. Ritter made that character funny. And, watching him segue into a struggling father with teenage girls on the most recent ABC sitcom made me thankful that I am having a son, instead of a daughter. It will be interesting to see what happens with "8 Simple Rules".

Both will be sorely missed.


.: posted by Dave 11:32 AM

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