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Saturday, September 20, 2003

Well, the Yale union "hostage crisis" ended this week. Thankfully, the poor union workers, who were obviously repressed by the evil university, can return to work in peace and harmony.

In return for their agreement to cease disruption of classes, here's what they received:

  • Monthly pensions will nearly double.
  • 44 and 32 percent guaranteed pay increases over eight years.
  • Retroactive wage increases back to January '02.
  • Productivity bonuses.

  • Let's analyze these issues. Doubling the pension, and guaranteeing pay increases (not indexing them to inflation) will increase costs. Retroactive pay increases will have a more immediate affect, as that money will have to be paid out in the current fiscal cycle. Productivity bonuses are nice (although the unions opposed them), but there was no mention of metrics in case of diminished productivity. In other words, what if Joe Smith is not pulling his weight? A cut in pay? Nonsense. Joe will call his union steward, and file a grievance. We can't have that.

    What's the end result here? Tuition will go up. Jobs will be cut through attrition, or outright layoffs, and new hiring will come to a standstill. Is this what the unions really wanted out of their temper tantrum? Well, it's what they will get. And, to be frank, it will be deserved.


    .: posted by Dave 8:28 PM

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