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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Word is that Sun is developing a new operating system to compete with Windows. Originally code-named "Mad Hatter", the system is designed to run on Linux, and aims to replace Windows standbys such as Internet Explorer and Office with its own tools.

While the cause of developing a more robust, stable system is noble, I'm still not sold on the idea of Java (Sun's development language) as the basis for such applications. Granted, Java runs slow on a Windows environment because of the difficulties that Windows presents for the Java virtual machine, problems that will surely be minimized when running atop Linux.

But the greater issues will be interoperability with existing software, and compatibility with Microsoft file formats. As far as the enterprise is concerned, any business that has implemented ERP tools such as PeopleSoft or SAP will be reluctant to switch desktops over to anything but Windows. Finally, training costs associated with reindoctrinating an entire IT staff regarding a change in OS will be substantial.

While I wish Sun well in this endeavor, it has the deck stacked against it.


.: posted by Dave 8:58 AM

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