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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Here at the office, we had a client who sent us some nifty VCDs (video compact disks) with some details of their business processes on them. Due to restrictive network policies, we could not install the Windows Media Player codec to play VCDs. However, we are enabled to install any third party software that does not write to certain parts of the Windows registry. So, users downloaded something called Global DivX Player. GDP is supposed to be a lightweight tool for playing unconventional formats such as DivX and VCD.

This leads me to my rant on the matter. GDP is full of spyware and adware. You wouldn't believe how system performance was lacking on the network machines. Now, after several users inatalled the package, and complained, I decided to run a quick check using a tool called Webroot Spy Sweeper to view the damage. What I found was appalling: NetDotNet, Alexa, SuperBar, and SaveNow all found their way onto the PCs. (Read today's SlashDot discussion on adware if you want to see how it affects users.)

The moral to the story is this: if you are a power hungry sysadmin, you need to learn to give users a bit of leeway when installing software. I say this because, as the IT leader in my group, I still cannot gain admin access to the machines. This incident could have been avoided if I had only been allowed to download and install the codec for WMP, or RealPlayer, for that matter.

End of Rant.


.: posted by Dave 10:55 AM

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