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Thursday, November 20, 2003
As if the world needed to be reminded WHY we are battling these terrorist thugs, we have a new set of attacks in Istanbul. 26 people are known dead. 450 or more injured.
This cancer on the face of society will not stop on its own. It needs to be rooted out, and destroyed. Western journalists, and political opportunists who decry everything George Bush because... well, it's George Bush, so it has to be wrong... are not helping matters with their often vitriolic dissent. Once the Western world speaks as one, and seeks to destroy al-Qaeda and its sympathizers, REGARDLESS of cost, both financial, and human, these attacks will continue. They may be intermittent. They may be unsuccessful. They may be costly. They may be mild. But they will persist.
Thankfully, we have leaders with the mettle of Tony Blair, and George Bush, who will not back down from these killers, despite the best efforts of the Islamic propagandists, and the leftist blatherers of the Western world. Labels: Archives_2003
.: posted by
12:09 PM
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