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Thursday, November 20, 2003

In Shreveport, LA, the voice recognition system used to route non-emergency calls doesn't seem to recognize Cajun and Creole dialect. Says the police communications captain:

In Louisiana, we have a problem with Southern drawl and what I call lazy mouth. Because of that, the system often doesn't recognize what [callers] say.

Well, heck, if you've spent any time in the Bayou, even the well-educated folks there are difficult to understand. Why would we think a computer system would be any different? And have you used any speech recognition software lately? It has a hard time with ANY dialect, let alone those with a pronounced drawl.

But, alas, the VR system has been laid aside for a less-modern method. Touch tone. Sometimes, less technology is more.


.: posted by Dave 10:44 AM

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