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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Let's talk about the gay marriage issue in Massachusetts. First of all, let's differentiate between two issues: personal beliefs, and matters of law. I do not support homosexuality, so I also won't support homosexual marriage. My stance is one of Biblical beliefs, and of my understanding of the natural law of marriage as delineated by God. I also believe the general detachment of people in society from the basic tenets of the Bible have led us down this path to begin with.

That being said, I am also a proponent of freedom. God gave us a free will, and, as such, it is our choice to do or not do certain things. God's moral code is not compulsory. It is not imposed upon us. He gave it to us, recommended that we adhere to it, and gave us consequences if we did not. It is my choice to do so to the best of my abilities. The state should not compel homosexual couples to adhere to that code, anymore than an Islamic state should compel others to abide by sharia (which they do anyway, but I digress). As a matter of law, the state would be wrong to mandate that homosexual couples have no rights. It does not harm me if they are given rights of property, and tax status, and benefits from employers. In my ideal world, a gay couple and my family can co-exist peacefully. Do no harm, and be not harmed. If they want civil unions, let them do so.

It's the other idea of acceptance here that bothers me more. That is the idea that the criteria for having children should be "a home with love". While I agree that love is necessary, it is not the sole basis for a stable home for a child. A child needs a nurturing male and female. The absence of this stability is what has given us a generation of malcontent kids full of self-gratification, irresponsibility, and immaturity. You doubt we have such ills in society? Spend 15 minutes in the local mall. Then come back and tell me kids aren't missing something.

Endorsing same-sex marriages as complete reflections of Biblical marriage is to say that the male-female parental paradigm is not needed for the nurturing of children, and to think that is just plain wrong. Men have something unique to contribute to children that women do not have. Women, on the other hand, contribute to the child in areas that men cannot understand.

It can be said that, if same-sex couples were intended to have children, God would have given them the ability to procreate. Anyone with a cursory sense of anatomy can see this is not so. In vitro fertilization, and adoption, are not the same as creating a child, physically, as a product of the love and union of two distinctly different people. Children cannot be brought up optimally under such circumstances, despite the desire of the homosexual lobby to will it to be so.

Suffice it to say that no one in this world who is homosexual has done me harm by being gay. It is doubtful that they ever will. It would be best, in my view, if we created civil unions for one purpose, and heterosexual marriages for another. And keep the kids out of the middle. What two consenting adults do betwixt themselves is their business, and their business only. When a child is involved, that is another story.


.: posted by Dave 11:13 PM

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