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Saturday, November 08, 2003

My Wonderful Son:

Tuesday in Connecticut was Election Day. Anyone that knows me knows that I am very much into the world of politics. Wouldn't it be ironic, I asked not long ago, if my son was born on Election Day?

Well, something funny happened on the way to bed on Monday night. Babies, as you know, are an unpredictable sort. To be sure, they follow no one's schedule but their own. Well, one minute I was watching the football game, the next I was waking up after dozing off, with my wife asking me if I knew where her contact lenses were. Well, no one looks for their contacts in the middle of the night, so I knew something was up. After quizzing her for a few moments on the matter, she asked of me, "Call the hospital. My water just broke." What did she say? Water? Broke? Oh boy. That time had arrived.

We went upstairs and hurriedly put together her things for the hospital stay. We hurried down the barren interstate, knowing that when we returned, our lives would be forever changed. We were admitted to the hospital, and the doctors made plans after consulting with us to deliver the baby around noon the next day. Election day, of course.

Ami and I spent the next few hours being simultaneously anxious, nervous, happy, and tense. Finally, when Ami went to the operating room, I realized the gravity of the events about to unfold. It was with joyous tears that I thanked God for all which He had given me. This has indeed been a fruitful year.

Ami went into surgery, obviously nervous about the situation, but calm, knowing that I was there to love her, and to reassure her that everything would be fine. The doctors were impeccable, and I would not trade them for any others. Ami's mom was there after coming in from Michigan. She has, and will continue to be, an invaluable help to us both. As will my mom be, of course, as she was en route from Knoxville. She was going to be here on Thursday for the scheduled delivery. Well, Ethan didn't care. He wanted to come out now. Sorry, Mom.

As I watched life come out of life, my son from out of my wife, I was absolutely fascinated. As we finally heard our baby, Ami and I both were tearing up as we glanced first at the doctors, then at each other, knowing that this was the product of our love, and it was infinitely better than we had ever imagined.

The doctors cleaned little Ethan up, and I went to observe his every move. Then, they handed him to me. "Hello, little guy. I'm your daddy. It's good to see you finally." This, my friends, is what makes life invaluable. If you ever think otherwise, think of your kids. Your perspective will change in a hurry.

So, now, Ami and I have a 6 lb, 13 oz, 19 1/2 inch child. He has a full head of blonde hair, blonde eyelashes, blonde eyebrows. He has everything for which we had hoped, and then some. Aside from his encounter with the circumsizion knife, he has been delightfully well-mannered, and quite docile, to our surprise.

The mother is doing well. She will be quite sore for awhile, as the c-section surgery took about twice as long as normal ones. But, there were no complications. She looks as radiant as ever, and extremely proud to be a mother.

God has been wonderful to us. Thanks go to Him, and thank you to all of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers during this time.

UPDATE: My wife and I are also keeping a blog to chronicle the events of Ethan's life, in first person. The blog is My First Year - A Blog by Ethan.


.: posted by Dave 8:10 PM

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