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Saturday, November 22, 2003

Today is, among other things, the day of the week that I reserve for watching college football. It's difficult to watch the Vols from the Northeast, as I refuse to pay hundeds of dollars for a satellite system, or add-on packages for cable TV. I do, though, make extensive use of the internet. Fortunately, if the Vols are not televised by CBS, they are being shown on ESPN, or Jefferson Pilot (on the internet, which comes in rather nicely).

I feel like writing about the Vols today because today was the last home game for several UT seniors. The accolades will go out to many of them, but none will be more deserving than Casey Clausen. Casey did not bring the Vol nation a national championship (of course, neither did Peyton). But he did bring us two victories in Gainesville, and one in South Bend, and another in Miami. This kid has impressed me in his four years, not from his sheer ability, but from his unflappability, and his confidence both on the field, and off.

I had no reason to write about Casey Clausen today, until I read his piece in the News Sentinel. I grew weary during the last four seasons, listening to the grumbling of all the wannabe coaches out there, telling us how worthless Clausen was. When things go awry, the quarterback usually takes the heat. This is one kid who has been taught how to weather the storms of fickle fans.

Casey, you will be missed by this Vol fan. I hope you go on to the next level and excel, despite your critics. I hope coach Fulmer can find another player to do the job as successfully as you have. No, more than that, I hope coach Fulmer can sign many more kids to scholarships in the future just like you, Casey. Thanks for the memories.


.: posted by Dave 8:35 PM

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