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Thursday, November 27, 2003
What kind of son-of-a-bitch would even think this?
I'm definitely torn, because I obviously don't want any more of our soldiers getting killed, but I also wouldn't mind the quagmire going on just long enough to ruin Bush's re-election chances.
If you are more concerned with a president's re-election failure than the well-being of our troops abroad, you are a sick bastard. Excuse my anger on this day of Thanksgiving, but whatever troglodyte surfaced to write such a screed should be lambasted by all within earshot. It figures these are the types of opinions emanating from the Left Coast, but it still sickens me.
Anyone who feels that way should abdicate their citizenship, move to a more totalitarian state, where their opinions can REALLY be appreciated.
< end of rant >Labels: Archives_2003
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1:10 AM
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