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Sunday, December 14, 2003

Blogs are for opinion, and analysis. So are periodicals like the National Review, or the Nation. So what is UPI? United Press International, I thought, was a NEWS agency.

Straight from Yoo-Pee-Eye itself:

What's clear from the initial video footage of the capture of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is that this is not the evil mastermind at the controls of the resistance organizations that continue to harass the U.S.-led coalition.

Thus the immediate benefits enjoyed by the U.S. occupation from his surprisingly meek capture will be psychological in that it proves to the Iraqi people that the brutal despot will not return to power. But little practical or actionable information will come from the arrest to assist U.S. and coalition forces in their hunt for the anti-occupation guerrilla groups.

Excuse me... what in this statement is factual news? If the UPI wants to take a position of slanting their coverage, just say so. Of course, if the Beeb, and Reuters can do it, why not the UPI?


.: posted by Dave 7:54 PM

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