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Wednesday, December 17, 2003

The reputed head of the Iraqi insurgency surrendered to US forces at dawn yesterday, Al-Arabiya television reported last night.

The reported surrender of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the highest ranking member of the former regime still at large, follows the arrest at the weekend of two leaders of the insurgency along with Saddam Hussein.

If this is true, why aren't the major networks reporting it? Is this a secret only Al-Arabiya is willing to divulge?

Everyone seems to be preoccupied with Strom's secret daughter, or Hinckley's unsupervised visits.

UPDATE: Well, MSNBC is at least saying that there was a "major raid".

ANOTHER UPDATE: The Singapore Straits-Times is reporting that he was captured, too. Maybe this is just an attempt to scoop the American networks while having little verifiable basis for the assertion. It wouldn't be the first time: just ask the "newspaper of record."


.: posted by Dave 3:58 PM

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