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Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Who should decide Hussein's fate? Donald Sensing asks just that.

Here's my take:

According to the bylaws of the Baghdad based national war crimes tribunal, the Iraqi judiciary can prosecute genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Other crimes in their jurisdiction include "squandering public assets and funds" and "threatening war or the use of the armed forces of Iraq against an Arab country." Both could be easily applied to Saddam.

So, these are the recently established laws of the Iraqi governing council. The basic infrastructure is there. The question then becomes, "Do we recognize their sovereignty?"

Bush and Blair are, as Donald Sensing noted, on public record as saying that Hussein should be tried by the Iraqi people. If Iraq is a sovereign nation, then that is the course that should be pursued.

Also, it would be in the best interest of the Iraqis for them to see this despicable person tried, and, sentenced to whatever punishment they deem necessary. Detaching the proceedings from those directly affected by them would facilitate the view that America is nothing more than a colonial bully. Giving him to the Hague would be even worse. Hussein does not deserve a platform for his megalomania, just as Milosevic did not deserve the one he was given several years ago.

It would be ideal if Hussein met a fate similar to Mussolini. However, it is the Iraqi people that should make that decision.


.: posted by Dave 2:54 PM

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