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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Adventures in Outsourced Tech Support:

Although my frustration was with the Spanish-speaking tech-support folks, it is emphatically NOT their fault. Diagnosing and repairing computers is not so different from treating patients. And while I consider myself a competent physician, my skills are worthless if I’m presented with a patient who does not speak my language. That doesn’t make me a bad doctor.

Similarly, these folks in Panama should not be blamed because they don’t understand the nuances of a foreign language. Their English is far better than my Spanish, but it is simply not up to the task.

So who is at fault? Clearly it’s some fat-cat bean-counter in Round Tree Texas, home of Dell Computer. I’m sure he got a phenomenal bonus for his idea of "off-shoring" the Tech Support Division. By laying off decently-paid American workers, and replacing them with Panamanians at ten cents on the dollar, Dell will surely rake in the profits.

I've had good experience with Dell, to be honest. But, if they keep outsourcing their tech support, this will be a common theme.

(An aside: Dell once outsourced their entire customer support department offshore, but they have now brought it back to the States... for CORPORATE users. Argh!)


.: posted by Dave 7:03 PM

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