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Friday, February 20, 2004

As I sit here, reading Slashdot about how Bluetooth is allegedly "dead", I have to wonder in what sandbox the guy who wrote this article is playing. Bluetooth dead? Hardly. Thousands of products integrate Bluetooth. My phone and Palm communicate using Bluetooth. I sync to my laptop using Bluetooth. It's not a dead technology, by any means.

And for those who want to compare it to 802.11, it is like comparing apples and oranges. Bluetooth is intended for very short range communication between devices. Bluetooth, for example, enables me to install a printer without needing a DB-25 cable. 802.11 is for wireless LANs, and should be thought of as such. There has been an ongoing debate about the merits of the two technologies, and they are always compared to one another, when they should be mutually exclusive.

As for me, I have implementations of both in my home. Both allow me to do specific sets of tasks that the other does not address. Neither is going away anytime soon.


.: posted by Dave 10:02 AM

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