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Monday, February 23, 2004

.NET apps without coding? Apparently so.

Kinzan Inc. this week will release Kinzan Studio & Server 4.0, a development and deployment environment that lets developers build enterprise applications through an assembly model by simply linking components in a drag-and-drop format.

"Our product allows customers to rapidly assemble enterprise applications that are less expensive than building from scratch and more flexible than buying off the shelf," said Garland Wong, chief technology officer and vice president of engineering at Kinzan, in Carlsbad, Calif.

The Java version will be released first, and the .NET version during the summer.

Robert Scoble, a technical evangelist in Microsoft's .Net Platform Strategy Group, in Redmond, Wash., recently saw a Kinzan demo and called the technology "pretty exciting. I'd never seen a coding environment that was like this. Just plop a component down on the screen. Draw a line to connect into the system. No code."

Yet, Scoble said the "shocker" was when Wong, who demonstrated the technology, closed Eclipse, "then he fired it up on Visual Studio and did the same thing."

The benefit is "now you can have both sides of your development team [Java and .Net] working on the same [visual programming] metaphor," Scoble said. "We hadn't seen that before."

Well, this surely will take rapid application development to a new level. I hope to get my hands on a beta version to test it.


.: posted by Dave 11:28 AM

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