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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

A busy, and bizarre opening day:

A middle-aged woman died of an apparent heart attack Wednesday while watching the climactic crucifixion scene in “The Passion of the Christ” at a morning showing in Wichita, Kansas, a television station reported.

The film was stopped and a nurse in attendance went to the unidentified woman’s side, a spokeswoman for KAKE-TV in Wichita said.

“It was the highest emotional part of the movie,” she said. A crew from the TV station was at the special showing, which was sponsored by a radio station.

Somewhere, the cynic inside of me detects a lawsuit on some basis.

In the meantime, the movie raked in $15 - 20 million. Not bad for a movie that opened on a Wednesday, and couldn't find a distributor.


.: posted by Dave 7:05 PM

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