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Sunday, February 15, 2004

Daytona is today... yes, being transplanted to the North has made me miss the traditional Sunday question - "Who's yer fav-rite driver?"

So, I'm going to stand here at my ranting lectern and deliver the following message:

The Nextel Cup? What the hell is this? Why was it good enough for all these years to have a cigarette company as the sponsor, and now we have to have a mobile phone provider as sponsor? Can someone restore order to this world? I don't like corporate sponsorships of ANY event, venue, or other sporting item, but I accepted them long ago as a reality that made possible the high cost of funding modern sports (read: salaries). But, changing the traditional sponsors for the sake of political correctness is just wrong.

And whose idea was it to change the points system? In effect, the last ten races make up the season. NASCAR wants a "playoff" to compete with the fall sports. Again, it's the market perhaps that is dictating this change, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. I hope this new points system is a failure, and they return to valuing the entire season, as in years past.

One other thing. Can we cast aside any advertisements that relate to...er, male performance pharmaceuticals? The door was opened when venerable Mark Martin started driving the Viagra car. Now, old men in suits have decided that other old men who watch auto racing are probably a good market in which to tap. So Cialis gets a plug, or two. Levitra gets a plug or two. Viagra gets a plug everytime Martin circles the track. Nauseating.

Some day, Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and Nextel will go onto the product scrap heap, never to be seen again. I wish that day was February 15, 2004.

UPDATE: Bye, Bye, Viagra... Mark Martin goes "limp" on lap eight. Oh, the irony.

ANOTHER UPDATE: This disclaimer from Cialis - "Erections lasting more than 4 hours, though rare, may require medical attention." So, take Cialis, watch the race, and, if you are still at attention, go see a doctor.


.: posted by Dave 9:47 AM

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