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Friday, February 27, 2004

A Friedman's Jewelry store is apparently asking customers for a fingerprint before completing a sale.

But after he'd rung everything up he pulled out this fingerprint pad and started into this spiel about how they were doing it to prevent fraud and identity theft. I told him no way and that I'd void the sale if he insisted on a fingerprint. I was furious. When he saw my reaction he put the pad away and completed the sale anyway. I was still tempted to cancel the sale, but by this time he'd already run the credit card and he wasn't insisting on the fingerprint.

But after all that nonsense, I will never set foot in that store again. Or any other branch of Friedman's if that's the way they run their business. I refuse to be treated like a criminal just to make a simple purchase.

Just what the hell is going on with these companies? When I went to Lux Bond and Green to buy a necklace for my wife, they grilled me about the state which issued my license. So it doesn't say Connecticut on it... who the hell cares? Do you want my money, or not? I just want some pleasant customer service, and a reasonably priced product. I don't think that's too much to ask.


.: posted by Dave 9:36 PM

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