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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Here's an interesting story that seems to have been broken by a blogger.

Why Did Steinbrenner Funds Anti-Dean Ads?

When I posted yesterday about who was behind the shadowy group which ran anti-Dean TV spots, including the notorious Osama ad, I buried my lead--that a Yankees affiliate controlled by George Steinbrenner contributed 1 of every 7 dollars expended in this effort. I doubted whether I, a mere blogger, could really have an item that the major media had overlooked. So I soft-pedaled it.

But a day later, they story has only solidified.

Now, my point in bringing it up is not to debate the ethics of money in politics, but to wonder why this isn't getting any play in the media yet.

Stay tuned.


.: posted by Dave 7:39 PM

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