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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I was reading Daniel Drezner's post about "what explains the drop off in the workforce?" and I've been interested in many of the comments. While I agree with some that the payroll survey and the household survey are different, and should be considered as such, I am struck by the mention of "stay at home" moms.

My wife has been in the workforce since she can remember, yet this is the first year that she is staying home to care for our infant son. According to one criteria, this makes the unemployment rate in our house 50%, while another would view it as 100%. Additionally, if one discounts part time work (which my job technically is, although I work far more than I should, and am compensated accordingly for it), then the unemployment rate in this household is 100%.

Why do I bring this up? To illustrate how irrelevant some numbers are. Any politician can cite statistics to reinforce their own position. Just something to consider when you hear "unemployment" numbers.


.: posted by Dave 7:58 PM

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