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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Jeff Soyer says:

Kerry has been completely ineffectual as a senator, getting almost no bills of his passed in all the years in Congress. He's flip-flopped on almost every issue and here's the thing, this slime has presented NOTHING in the way of ideas on almost any issue. It's as if he's simply saying, "Vote for me because I'm not Bush and I served in Viet Nam." What a piece of crap Kerry is.

Whether he is crap, or not crap, I will leave that determination to you, the reader. What I do concur with, though, is the premise that Kerry is simply campaigning on the idea that he was in Vietnam, and he is not George Bush. Somehow, that doesn't seem to qualify one for President. In fact, when Bill Clinton ran for President, he was only required to meet ONE of those requirements (you can guess which one).


.: posted by Dave 6:06 PM

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