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Thursday, February 19, 2004

Mobile Blogging:

I'm all about being as mobile as possible. That's why I shun desktop PCs in favor of laptops, and CAT-5 in favor of 802.11. Ubiquitous computing is our friend. That's one my many mantras.

As such, I have been searching for a plausible solution for blogging via handheld. This includes a need for posting, and obtaining RSS feeds.

Enter two fine pieces of software, Vagablog, and Hand/RSS. Both are by different developers. Both are must-haves for anyone who wants to do truly mobile blogging.

Vagablog is a simple applet that runs on Palm OS 5. It is compatible with TypePad, Blogger, and other popular blogging services. Simply connect to your ISP (some people use a modem, but I prefer the Bluetooth phone), type your post, and send it away. Used in conjunction with TextPlus, I can actually write on the Palm as fast as I can type on a regular QWERTY keyboard. This is a very nice piece of software, especially for the $7 price.

Then there's Hand/RSS. This software lets you use either a Hotsync conduit, or your wireless connection to load and read RSS feeds. It supports the OPML standard, too. It does NOT yet support Atom. You can cache the downloaded XML, or you can delete it each time to save space. And the price tag is $14.95, but until an open source alternative comes out, this is my reader of choice.

Blogging has come a long way in a short time. Apps like this make it even easier, and more convenient.


.: posted by Dave 11:11 AM

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