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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Nick Corante asks:

Why are pitchers hitting more batters?

What's the history here? We moved away from the deadball era and hit batsmen went up? What happened in the middle? Didn't baseball monkey with the mound? How do we unpack the role played by the DH? Any theories?

My theory (as posted in Nick's comments):

1. Batters are crowding the plate more now.

2. Batters wear body armor when crowding the plate. Thus, they no longer fear the ball hitting them.

3. Pitchers throw with high velocity, but with little control.

Baseball is all about power now... home runs and strikeouts. The desire for more power will lead to more of numbers one through three, and more batters will be plunked.


.: posted by Dave 7:15 PM

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