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Saturday, February 21, 2004

One blogger writes about his "settlement" check from the RIAA:

This victory, though not a MAJOR blow to these giant conglomerates, does feel good at time when music lovers are being actively hunted and sued for copyright infringement by the RIAA. I will more than likely use a portion of my settlement to invest in what I consider a legitimate and fair business model --- iTunes. If the RIAA had jumped on the legitimate internet distribution band wagon instead of conspiring to rob the consumer with their aging CD business model through price fixing, maybe they wouldn’t be up to their ears in legal fees these days.

Although I could have been part of this class-action suit, I have a thing against such litigation in general. So... no $13.86 check for me. I do agree with Paul's assertion that iTunes, and their like, provide a much more fair business model (i.e., a la carte song purchases, instead of forcing the consumer to buy an entire CD). I hope the RIAA learned something from this whole ordeal, although I am skeptical.


.: posted by Dave 4:11 PM

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