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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Rapper 50 Cent might be running for office in Farmington:

As if getting shot nine times weren't enough, rapper 50 Cent is now thinking about enduring a different kind of pain - local politics.

Farmington's newest celebrity mansion owner, whose real name is Curtis James Jackson III, reportedly is interested in running for elective office in town.

"The former crack dealer has decided that if he's going to live in Farmington ... he may as well get involved in running it, too," reports The Elements, an online hip-hop publication.

Local leaders are game.

"Anybody who pays $57,000 in property taxes is certainly welcome to have a say in what's going on," said Democratic Councilman Robert DiPietro.

"If Arnold can do it, why can't 50?" the rapper reportedly asked, referring to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

If he's serious, more power to him. Maybe he can lower the insane property tax rates in Connecticut towns.


.: posted by Dave 2:57 PM

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