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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Read Donald Sensing's poignant treatise on the "gay marriage" controversy. I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with the premise that, while I think gay marriage is morally wrong, there's no value added to its opposition, especially under the circumstances which Sensing discusses:

If society has abandoned regulating heterosexual conduct of men and women, what right does it have to regulate homosexual conduct, including the regulation of their legal and property relationship with one another to mirror exactly that of hetero, married couples?

Now, before your reach for pixelated brickbats, let me point out that I do believe that this state of affairs is indeed contrary to the will of God. But traditionalists, especially Christian traditionalists (in whose ranks I include myself) need to get a clue about what has really been going on and face the fact that gay marriage, if it ever comes about (and it will) will not cause the degeneration of the institution of marriage; it is the result of it.

Live and let live? At this point, it would behoove Conservatives to do so.


.: posted by Dave 6:44 PM

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