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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Remember the 80's band, the Alarm? Well, you probably haven't heard from them in awhile, or have you...?

An ageing rock group gave themselves a facelift by getting a group of teenagers to stand in for them on the video of their latest song, helping them score their first chart hit for some 15 years.

Convinced the music industry is prejudiced against wrinkly rockers, The Alarm gave themselves the pseudonym The Poppyfields and persuaded a group of fresh-faced youths to mime their part.

"They did it to show they wanted to be judged on music and not on their image and haircuts of 15 years ago," said a spokesman for the band.

The single, 45RPM, went into the UK charts this week at number 28.

The Welsh band were previously best known for 1983 hit "68 guns" and said they pulled the stunt to show how much image affected sales in the music industry.

Image affects sales? Who knew? That's why so many good artists are relegated to playing clubs, and posting on MP3.com, while Clearchannel and cohorts push sterile, commercialized music. But they push what the public buys... and the public buys image.

And so it goes.


.: posted by Dave 4:21 PM

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