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Friday, February 20, 2004

Rex Hammock blogs about his experience meeting President Bush yesterday. Rex doesn't talk much about policy, per se. This account is an insightful look at what it was like to sit down and talk about life, and policy, and everything else, with the leader of the Free World.

I talked to the President about my business and my employees and how difficult a time it had been in 2001 and 2002. I said something like the following to him, which I meant sincerely, "Mr. President, I never thought I would have the opportunity to say this personally to you on behalf of me and my family and those I work with and lots of people out there, After September 11, one of the most difficult situations I faced in my business was uncertainity on the part of my clients and customers, and really everyone. More than anything, I appreciate the steadfast leadership you displayed after September 11 and the message of calm that sent to the American people and businesses."

Hey, I know it sounds obsequious, but I meant it sincerely.

Amen, Rex.

Go read the whole thing.


.: posted by Dave 9:37 AM

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