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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Rory Blyth is angry... at being forced to register for demo software:

Hasn't anybody learned anything about how annoying this practice is? Radio Shack drove me away as a customer years ago by holding me down and drawing blood before they let me leave the store, and all I wanted to do was buy some god damn batteries.

Why don't you just have me kidnapped and interrogated? I'd be much more likely to give you the information you want if I were to find myself tied to a chair in a concrete room with a single lamp hanging over my head, an indistinct disguised voice coming in over a speaker, and little shocky-things attached to my nipples that you activate each time you suspect that I might be giving you false information.

Well, let me say... OUCH! to the nipple visual. And I totally agree, with everything else. The newspaper registrations bother me more than anything else. I always use fake everything, except email, which is a spam-filled Hotmail account (I always knew it would be useful for something). One of these days, maybe the companies will realize that the data they are collecting is really bogus. Until then, as far as they know, I am a female Aborigine born in 1911, and I have 14 Chinese children, and I work in the edible poison industry.


.: posted by Dave 7:28 PM

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