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Friday, February 27, 2004

So there's a big hubbub about Howard Stern being dropped by Clear Channel. Lots of invictive is being thrown around, cries of censorship, right wing scare tactics, etc. etc.

I'm not going to debate the virtue of the Stern show, nor am I going to debate his right to push the envelope as he does. What I am going to do, though, is call a spade a spade. And the spade is not censorship.

Pronunciation: 'sen(t)-s&r-"ship
Function: noun
1 a : the institution, system, or practice of censoring b : the actions or practices of censors; especially : censorial control exercised repressively

Everyone seems to be coming to the defense of Stern. The fact is that this is a corporate decision, not censorship. No one, even Howard, is beng repressed. This is a choice of programming. Clear Channel has that right. Even if there is pressure coming from the FCC, it is still a marketing decision. Clear Channel has demographic analyses. They know their markets. Obviously, research has dictated that they disconnect themselves from the Sterns of the world. That's their decision. If you think it is wrongheaded, act accordingly. Send them an email. Let them know.

Seldom will you hear me defend the monolith that is Clear Channel. I cannot stand their canned programming, lacking originality, and variety. But I do respect their right to air what they choose, just as I respect Stern's right to say on air what he chooses. Ultimately, the marketplace will dictate who survives. Hopefully, Stern will (just not on my radio dial).

MORE: Rush Limbaugh asks "Wait a minute. Where, where is Infinity and Viacom and CBS in all this?"

Good question.


.: posted by Dave 8:18 PM

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